First, is this an MLS rental listing or a third party management (non-MLS) listing?
MLS Rental Listing
If this is your MLS rental listing, have the tenant click here to apply. If this is someone else’s MLS listing, please contact that listing agent and ask for their application process. If the other agent asks you to do the application on your own, click the above link.
Third Party Management (non-MLS Listing)
Contact the management company of the unit your client is interested in and ask for their application process. Usually, management company will have their own application to use. If they suggest that Kale should run the application, have the tenant click here to apply.
If you use Kale’s application the fee to your applicant is $65 per tenant.
Once your client completes the Kale application, our team will reach back out to you within 24 business hours with the results.